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Recreation Commission Minutes 2005-03-08
Recreation Commissioner Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, March 8: 7:30pm @ White Buildings

In attendance: Lee Brown, Tom Joseph, Mike Sindoni, and Ken Hamel

Lee began the meeting stating he was waiting to hear back from Steve Peach to be prepared for next week’s school board meeting to discuss the Multi-Use Community Center and Skateboard Park.  We are also waiting for final site plans from Mike Dahlberg as he is still researching property deeds.
Tom voiced concern about the gym space in the Community Center plan.  He had heard the gym would be under-sized and geared toward smaller children.  It was agreed by those in attendance the basketball court should be full-size to accommodate all populations and free up existing gym space at the school.  We discussed the layout of the plan including two classrooms, which would be added on to the upper level to accommodate the school.  The gym will be a big expense, which will be subsidized by programming (karate, yoga, aerobic classes, etc.)
Tom also asked about the possibility of offering a basketball program for kids in grades 9+10.  These kids are not currently part of the recreation basketball program but there may be a demand from kids who do not make or try-out for school teams.  It was agreed we would do a trial program this summer on Thursday nights from 7-10pm for grades 8 thru 10.  An adult on a rotation system would supervise this.  Mike will check gym availability for late June into early August.
The status of Tri-Town Soccer is uncertain right now due to lack of volunteer leadership.  We will try to find out the status for the upcoming fall season and decide if the Recreation Department should step in and offer a fall soccer program for New Boston residents in place of Tri-Town.  Ken stated soccer enrollments seem to be declining in favor of football but there still may be a demand in New Boston.  We will research this topic further.
Mike asked Tom about helping get online registration underway on the town website.  Tom stated he has more free time with basketball ending soon and would be able to come in the office and check out the website possibly having online registration capabilities by the end of July.  We would also like to put a link on the website with Ballfield Memorial information to help stimulate donations for the project.
Regarding the Memorial, the cost will be around $60,000, which will be challenging but not impossible.  It was agreed we should have a narrative to go along with sketches and donation forms to give people more information on the project.  There will be an article in this week’s Goffstown News and next month’s New Boston Bulletin.  Ken donated $500 from the Molly Stark Shootout, which is much appreciated by the kids and Recreation Department.  The next meeting for this project is Friday, March 11 at 7pm in the White Buildings.
Ken Hamel expressed interest in possibly becoming a Recreation Commissioner.  Lee asked Ken to attend another meeting and make a decision after that meeting on becoming a Commissioner.  Lee and Tom filled out their appointment applications to serve another term as Commissioners.
Mike asked the group if the Recreation Department would cover the cost of CPR/First Aid certifications for our summer and afterschool staff.  The cost to certify or recertify staff can be substantial so Mike will research to see if it is more economical to send our staff to the Red Cross instead of coming to New Boston.  We will still offer classes in New Boston for the public and for our staff if price is the same.  
The Recreation Department is trying out a new copier this week to see if we want to purchase it.  The cost to buy is $4,199.  A 36-month lease is $116/month with a 15% buyout at the end of the lease, which is $630.  Lee asked Mike about the service plan for both scenarios, which can be an added cost and also compare this plan to the Police Dept and Town Hall plans.  Mike will research these items and email everyone.
Mike alerted the group of upcoming events:  Cabin Fever Dance, March 12 at 8pm and Easter Bonnet Parade/Egg Hunt, March 19 at 10am.  Both events are at the school.
With no further business and a raging snowstorm outside, the meeting was adjourned at 9pm.  

Submitted by Mike Sindoni